An Israeli strike targeting a Hamas commander in the densely populated Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza has left catastrophic damage and killed a large number of people, according to eyewitnesses and medics in the enclave.

The devastation wrought by the strike triggered a fresh groundswell of grief over spiraling civilian casualties, as Gazans awoke to another communications blackout Wednesday morning. Survivors and eyewitness spoke of apocalyptic scenes in the aftermath of the strike, which tore a massive crater through the middle of the crowded camp.

“I was waiting in line to buy bread when suddenly and without any prior warning seven to eight missiles fell,” an eyewitness, Mohammad Ibrahim, told CNN.

“There were seven to eight huge holes in the ground, full of killed people, body parts all over the place,” he said. “It felt like the end of the world.”

According to a statement by the Israel Defense Forces, the airstrike targeted and killed Ibrahim Biari, whom it described as one of the Hamas commanders responsible for the October 7 attack on Israel, which left than 1,400 people dead and hundreds taken hostage. The IDF also said “numerous other Hamas terrorists” were hit in the strike, and claimed the Central Jabalya Battalion had taken control of civilian buildings.

Hamas however has strongly denied the presence of one of its leaders in the refugee camp. Hazem Qassem, a spokesman for the militant group, accused Israel of attempting to justify what he described as a “heinous crime against safe civilians, children, and women in Jabalya camp.”

Eyewitness Mohammad Al Aswad described a “horrific scene” in the aftermath of the strike, telling CNN that he ran to the refugee camp to check on family after hearing the missiles land.

“Children were carrying other injured children and running, with grey dust filling the air. Bodies were hanging on the rubble, many of them unrecognized. Some were bleeding and others were burnt,” Al Aswad told CNN by telephone.

People in the area were hysterical, he added. “I saw women screaming and confused. They didn’t know whether to cry for losing their children or run and look for them, especially since many children were playing in the neighborhood.”

Images from the scene showed a huge crater among rubble and damaged buildings. Palestinians and rescue workers are seen attempting to find victims, some using their hands to scoop the detritus away.

Speaking to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Richard Hecht accused Hamas of “hiding, as they do, behind civilians.” Reminded that there are many innocent civilians in the camp, Hecht responded, “This is the tragedy of war” and urged civilians to move south.

Southern Gaza has also seen lethal airstrikes, and aid organizations have repeatedly warned that there is no safe place in the isolated enclave. Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has killed at least 8,485 people and injured more than 21,000, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah, which draws on information from the Hamas-controlled enclave.

On Wednesday, two Palestinian telecoms firms announced internet and communication network disruptions in Gaza. Paltel said there was a “complete interruption of all communications and internet services in the Gaza Strip,” while mobile phone services from the communications company Jawwal were also down, according to a company statement.

‘A scene no one can imagine’

At the Indonesian hospital, the nearest major medical facility to Jabalya, videos showed a long line of bodies lying on the floor of the hospital as well as large numbers of wounded people, including children, as doctors rushed to treat their injuries. Many of the injured could be seen receiving treatment on the floor because of the hospital’s overcrowded conditions. Hospital head Dr. Atef al-Kalhout estimated that scores had been killed in the blast.

“What you see is a scene no one can imagine: injured martyrs, charred bodies in the hundreds,” said another doctor, Mohammad al Rann. “All we can do is keep taking them in. Most of the injuries are from explosives and head injuries and amputations.”

Mohammed Hawajreh, a nurse with Doctors Without Borders (MSF) at Al Shifa hospital in Gaza, said that some of the wounded also arrived at that hospital. “Young children arrived at the hospital with deep wounds and severe burns. They came without their families. Many were screaming and asking for their parents. I stayed with them until we could find a place, as the hospital was full with patients,” Hawajreh said in a statement.

According to the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Interior in Gaza, twenty homes were “completely destroyed” in the bombing.

The world reacts

Jabalya, like other refugee camps in the Strip, is crowded with homes, shops, and apartment buildings, where many roads between them are barely wide enough for a car to pass.

Many Palestinian refugees settled in the camp in the wake of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, after fleeing villages in what became the state of Israel, according to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Jabalya is the largest refugee camp in Gaza, says UNRWA, and is spread out across 1.4 square kilometers. It has long grappled with overcrowding. It is also among the poorest areas in the enclave and home to busy open-air markets.

Shortly after the blast, Israeli human rights organization B’tselem condemned Israel’s weeks-long aerial bombardment of Gaza, saying “the scale of killing Israel has and continues to wreak on Gaza is horrifying,” in a statement released Tuesday.

“More than 8,000 people have been killed so far, more than half of them women and children. Entire buildings have collapsed with occupants still inside. Whole families have been wiped out in an instant. This criminal harm to civilians is intolerable and the obvious needs to be stated again and again – not everything is allowed in war, including war on Hamas,” it said.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the strike as a “massacre,” referencing “chilling documented scenes” of children and women. “It has its bones, in a large-scale massacre carried out in full view of the world and under the pretext of self-defense,” the statement added.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan and Egypt have also condemned the strike, with Egypt accusing Israel of breaking international law with what it said was the “inhuman” targeting of a residential area. “Egypt considered this as a new flagrant violation by the Israeli forces against the provisions of international law and international humanitarian law,” the ministry said.

When pressed multiple times throughout a White House briefing on the Jabalya strike and on whether Israel is doing enough to protect Palestinian civilians, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the US has “indications they are trying.”

“We’re not going to react to every event in real time, but we’ve certainly recognized that civilians have been hurt,” he said. “Civilians have been killed to the tune of many thousands … We recognize that, we observe that, and we’re not accepting of any single civilian death in Gaza.”

He added that “it is not the goal of Israeli forces to go out and deliberately take innocent civilian life and they have tried to make efforts to minimize that.” Riyad Mansour, the head of the Palestinian Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations, told CNN on Tuesday that the Israeli strike on Jabalya refugee camp was a war crime and should be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“Those who are responsible for giving the orders for that crime should hear something from Mr. (Karim A. A.) Khan from the ICC (International Criminal Court),” he said in reference to the ICC prosecutor. “And if he has the courage, and I hope he does, we appreciate the fact that he came to Rafah crossing, and he made a statement there. But it would be also nice to issue a warrant of arrest for those who are responsible for such crimes.”

Wounded Palestinians heading to Egypt

As hospitals in Gaza bear the brunt of airstrikes and shelling, according to aid groups and health workers, an Egyptian border official told CNN that 81 wounded Palestinians from Gaza will be allowed to travel for treatment in hospitals in Egypt.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the media, said the patients were “seriously injured” and the Rafah border crossing is set to open Wednesday morning to allow them to pass.

The 81 patients are currently undergoing treatment in hospitals across Gaza, many of whom require surgical intervention in operating rooms that is not currently available in Gaza, the director of Al Shifa Hospital, Dr Mohammed Abu Silmiyeh, told CNN. They will be discharged from the hospitals in Gaza and then complete their treatments in a field hospital in Egypt’s Sheikh Zuweid city, he added.

The Director of the Egyptian Red Crescent in North Sinai, Khaled Zayed, also confirmed the location of the field hospital to CNN, saying Egypt is “ready to receive them.”

Major UN agencies are calling for a humanitarian ceasefire to allow deliveries of aid for more than 2 million civilians trapped with scarce supplies of food, water, and medical equipment, and for the safe release of 240 hostages that Israel believes are being held by Hamas, the militant group that controls the enclave.

A Hamas military wing spokesman claimed Tuesday that in the coming days the group will free some foreign nationals they are holding hostage.

“Some countries have intervened through mediators to free some foreign nationals’ detainees in Gaza,” Abu Obeida, a spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, said in a video clip without naming the countries. “Therefore, we informed the mediators that we will release a number of foreigners in the coming days.”

He did not elaborate further on the nationalities or number of hostages they planned on freeing.

Ground operation continues

The IDF on Wednesday named nine more soldiers killed in northern Gaza, the morning after announcing the first two deaths of Israeli troops there since Israel’s ground incursion ramped up on Friday. Details on how the soldiers were killed have not been released but seven were part of the Givati brigade and two were members of the armored corps.

The Israeli military claimed it killed “approximately 50 Hamas terrorists” during ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip Tuesday. It comes after Israel said over the weekend it had entered a “second stage” of its war against Hamas following weeks of strikes on Gaza.

In a statement Tuesday evening, the IDF said that troops from its Givati Brigade also operated in western Jablaya and were targeting a Hamas commander in the area. The area of operation included “firing positions, terror tunnels used by terror operatives as a passageway to the coast, and a large stock of weapons,” the statement added.

The IDF said “soldiers killed a number of terrorists in the course of combat” in addition to targeted strikes by the Israeli Air Force. In addition to seizing weapons and military equipment, the IDF claimed to have located intelligence documents as well.

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