Author: admin@primenews

Alia Bhatt might just be the biggest celebrity you’ve never heard of. At the age of 30, she has become a megastar in Bollywood. For certain people (your writer includes herself among them), she’s one of the hottest names out there. If you’re not into Indian films, you’ve had no real reason to know her. Until recently, that is. Last year, Bhatt made her Hollywood debut. All of a sudden, she was introduced to a global audience. Now, she’s backing a new drama series about wildlife crime. “People have the power to make a difference, whether it’s in this industry…

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An American company has made history by becoming the first commercial outfit to put a spacecraft on the Moon. Houston-based Intuitive Machines landed its Odysseus robot near the lunar south pole. It took some minutes for controllers to establish that the craft was down, but eventually a signal was received. “What we can confirm, without a doubt, is our equipment is on the surface of the Moon and we are transmitting,” flight director Tim Crain announced. Staff at the company cheered and clapped at the news. It was an important moment, not just for the commercial exploitation of space but…

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A 28-year-old man has been charged with murdering missing Australian TV personality Jesse Baird and his boyfriend Luke Davies. Police launched a frantic search on Wednesday after the couple’s bloodied items were found in a bin near Sydney. Beau Lamarre, a police officer and Mr Baird’s ex-boyfriend, handed himself in for questioning on Friday. Detectives say they are yet to locate the men’s bodies or confirm their cause of death. Police allege the couple were killed on Monday inside Mr Baird’s house in Paddington, an inner Sydney suburb, before their bodies were moved in a white van. The van -…

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Five students are said to have been wounded in an apparent knife attack in the western German city of Wuppertal. Police say they have arrested a suspect, who is also thought to have been hurt. An unconfirmed report from Bild newspaper said the students were attacked by a classmate, although details are unclear. A female teacher said the pupils had been attacked with a knife and a pair of scissors, German media reported. Teenagers at the Wilhelm-Dörpfeld secondary school are then said to have barricaded themselves in their classrooms. A major police operation began shortly before 10:00 (09:00 GMT) on…

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Social media major X (formerly Twitter) has admitted to taking down accounts and posts related to the ongoing farmers’ protests in India. The site has claimed it took down the pages after the Indian government sent them “executive orders”. The orders were “subject to potential penalties, including imprisonment”, X said in a statement, adding that it “disagreed with these actions”. X’s clarification was shared on their official handle @GlobalAffairs. Several activists had earlier complained about their posts being removed. X user and Indian journalist Mohammed Zubair wrote on Monday that “many influential X accounts” of reporters, influencers and prominent farm…

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A court in Spain has found former Barcelona and Brazil footballer Dani Alves guilty of raping a woman in a Barcelona nightclub. He has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison. The 40-year-old, who is one of the most decorated footballers in history, had denied sexually assaulting the woman in the early hours of 31 December 2022. His lawyer had asked for him to be acquitted and Alves can appeal against the sentence. Alves had been accused of luring the woman to a toilet in a VIP section of the nightclub and had argued that she could…

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American support for Taiwan will continue no matter who wins the upcoming US election, House Rep. Mike Gallagher told an audience in the democratic island on Thursday, as tensioRns simmer between Taipei and Beijing. “I’m confident regardless of how the presidential election goes, we will maintain our support not only for Taiwan but also a posture of internationalism and engagement,” Gallagher told reporters in the capital Taipei. The lawmaker, who chairs the House of Representatives select committee on China, is leading a five-member bipartisan delegation on a three-day visit to self-ruled Taiwan. The trip comes amid a period of heightened tensions between Taipei…

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Can’t squeeze in exercise during the work week? That’s OK, according to a new study, because exceeding weekly exercise recommendations over two days such as the weekend — or what many call being a “weekend warrior” — will zap fat, too. Both the World Health Organization and United States exercise guidelines for adults call for at least 150 minutes each week of moderate physical activity, 75 minutes a week of vigorous physical activity or a combination of both, along with some strength and flexibility training. “The weekend warrior pattern is worth promoting in individuals who cannot meet the recommended frequency in current guidelines,” said corresponding author Lihua Zhang,…

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As I stood watching Russians laying flowers in memory of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, a young man shared his reaction to Mr Navalny’s death in prison. “I’m in shock,” he told me, “just like two years ago on 24 February: when the war started.” It made me think about everything that has happened in Russia these last two years, since President Putin ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It is a catalogue of drama, bloodshed, tragedy. 24 February 2022 was a watershed moment. But looking back the direction of travel had been clear. It was in 2014 that Russia had…

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When you’re travelling, learning a few phrases in the local language is a good idea. But as I attempted to wrap my tongue around “Cůme či’k t’ê?”, Sarkese for “How are you?”, I knew it was highly unlikely I’d be able to use it. Because, despite being one of the most archaic Gallo-Romance languages still in existence, there are only three native speakers of Sarkese alive. Sark is one of the Channel Islands, British Crown Dependencies that are located close to the coast of Normandy, France. Roughly 3.5 miles long by 1.5 miles wide with a population of around 500, Sark…

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